The students have so much fun during class.
Moreh Shama did a great job with the Yeladeem/children with sentence formation and review of the Hebrew words. The story of Noah’s ark is so fascinating! Todah Rabah to Moreh Yoel for helping to bring association to scripture with videos from the parts of the Ark found in Turkey to the exhibit of the replica in Kentucky! (Baneem Academy field trip…who’s in?) Each week the Moreem Moreh Yoel, Moreh Karootz , Moreh Shama, Moreh Eythan, Moreh Azrael Ben Yisra’el and Kefzebah Raziah Baht Yisrael show up and show out doing an excellent job to educate our children in our language and culture. We are forever thankful and grateful for your lives and your willingness to teach, moderate, DJ, etc. . It’s not too late. Come join the Hebrew Baneem Academy and see how much your children will enjoy learning their culture and language!